
COCMA was founded in 1998 as a way to support and offer networking and education to marketing and business professionals who work in health care. Locally, there is an IL and MO Chapter that are very active within the health care marketplace in the metro area of St. Louis and Illinois. The organization is truly unique in that, you will only find fellow health care affiliated members who can help support and offer insight into the market place we all work in. The good news about COCMA quickly spread to Illinois, with the birth of an Illinois chapter in 2005. Also, coming soon is a Central Missouri chapter. If you are interested in starting a COCMA chapter, please contact Tracey Swabby.

St. Louis Chapter

COCMA St. Louis chapter holds meetings on the first Thursday quarterly – February, May, August, and November. To view full calendar of upcoming events click here. For more information, please contact Tracey Swabby at (314) 393-4101.

Illinois Chapter

COCMA Illinois meetings are held quarterly on the third Thursday of the respective month. Meetings are in the months of January, April, July, and October. To view full calendar of upcoming events click here. For more information, please call Leslie Schmidt with Abbott EMS at (618) 979-4762.